Hi there! Here I let you the final pics of my Challenger II. It isn't supposed to be the most exact representation of a Challenger II. The main goals of this project were make the most of the Trumpeter kit, and get as much control as I can during the painting. I think I've got it.
I want to remember you that this model is going along with two superb figures moulded and painted by my friend and excellent modeller Jose aria Illa. You can check out the crewmen here. I want to tell you that I currently making a base for the model that I'll show you in no time.
Buenas! Os dejo aquí las fotos finales de mi Challenger II. No pretende ser el modelo más preciso ni mucho menos. Los únicos objetivos que me marque fueron aprovechar al máximo el kit de Trumpeter, y obtener el máximo de control durante el proceso de pintura. Creo haberlo conseguido.
Quiero recordaros que este modelo irá con dos magníficas figuras moldeadas y pintadas por mi amigo y excelente modelista Jose Maria Illa. Podéis ver lo dos carristas aquí. Deciros también que ahora mismo estoy realizando la base para el carro que desvelare en breve. Un abrazo y gracias por mirar.