Thursday, January 26, 2023


 This is the lastest model I finished. Fast and fun project!
Esta es la última maqueta que he acabado. Un proyecto rápido y divertido.
**Disclaimer! Important, none of the content of this blog is real. All of the pictures shown come from artistic models or replicas. The contents of this blog are for artistic and educational purposes only.**

This project started as I was planning a base for a SS figure. I started the base and finish it in about 6 or 7 hours of work. It was great fun and also I spend a good amount of time looking for the stones and natural elements. If you are fed up with your current build I strongly recommend doing something like this.
Empecé este proyecto como una base para una figura de las SS. Completé la base en unas 6 o 7 horas de trabajo. Fue muy divertido y además me entretuvo en buscar las piedras y otros elementos naturales.

For the animals, I used one of the great sets from Mantis miniatures. This brand has lots of animal sets of very good quality. You can check their website here. Everything was painted using AK 3gen paints.
Para los animales he utilizado uno de los excelentes kits de Mantis Miniatures. Esta marca tiene un montón de sets de animales (entre otros) y de mucha calidad. Todo ha sido pintado con pinturas acrilicas AK 3gen.

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