Showing posts with label Miniart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miniart. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

T-55 Alepo (Final Pics)


Heavy weathered paint, effects, dirt and blood. Syrian T-55, Alepo.
Pintura  muy desgastada, efectos, suciedad y sangre. T-55 Siriano, Alepo.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

T-55 Alepo (Build Pics)

This project was born because of the terrific Syrian Armor books from Pla Editions.
Este proyecto nace de los fantásticos libros de Syrian Armor de Pla Editions.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Captured T-70! (Final Pics)

It's been a while! Right after the BT-7 I started two different projects and this is one of them. The Miniart's T-70! Here some pics of the models finished!
Ha pasa un tiempo desde la última vez! Justo después del BT-7 empecé dos proyectos y uno de ellos es este. Un t-70 de Miniart. Aquí os dejo algunas de las fotos!